Sunday, June 1, 2008

I need a WEMsday!

Back when I worked as a paid, fulltime, 40-hour-per week, occasionally some overtime employee--that is, life BC (before children)--I would, in moments of feeling underpaid and unsung of all of my wonderful contributions to my field, take what we called a WEMsday. I loved those, my Wage Equilization Maneuver days. It was especially fun when coworkers joined in the fun--we'd often hear someone holler, "It's WEMsday!!" and we'd WEM as a group. I miss those days...sigh... As a SAHM, I don't get any WEMsdays. In fact, I don't get paid, I don't get overtime, and I never get praised (well, as the Hapless Homemaker, I'm not surprised by that part, but still, I try...sort of...)

In a recent moment of self-pity, I complained to my hubby and he replied, "Well, you wanted to be a stay-at-home?!? Besides, taking care of the kids is easy...blah, blah, blah" After my initial reaction of (imagining) whapping him upside the head for that one, I did consider what he said. Then I realized what I evidently REALLY wanted was to just stay at home and do nothing. Because being a SAHM is anything but nothing. While it feels like I don't get a thing accomplished, my days are filled with activity--and definitely not easy.

In my pre-SAHM days, I will confess, I thought SAHMs had it made (well, I still do...I am so blessed to be one) but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was so used to my forty-hour work week--nicely organized and structured--that when I was thrust into the world of being up all night, changing diapers, nursing, etc., etc., I thought I would go crazy. But, I evidently make it look easy if I've convinced my husband it is...either that or I need to start taking some WEMsdays--and let him see for himself just how "easy" it is...I'm thinking this Saturday might be the perfect WEMsday...hmmmm...

Now, go eat some bon-bons, y'all!! : )

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